Huntsman: Winter's War

"Mirror mirror on the wall, which unnecessary sequel is a bore?"

To be frank, I haven't watched the unimaginative reimagining of 2012 Snow White and the Huntsman because well, we've all known the tedious plot to the classic fairytale.

But I am a simple man. I see Jessica Chastain in a movie, I'll watch it. However, this stupid principle I hold and the beauty of Chastain couldn't save me from yawning and regularly checking my phone for any notifications (although I've had none).

This sequel/prequel revolves around Ravenna's younger sister Freya (Emily Blunt) who grew cold after her baby's death, ran away and built an ice palace deep in the North (Frozen, anyone?) So this movie takes place before and after Snow White happens (without the presence of Kristen Stewart who played Snow White in 2012)

It is filled with unfunny dialogues, unabsorbing plot, unimpressive climax and lack of chemistry between Sara (Jessica Chastain) and Eric (Chris Hemsworth). It feels like a rip-off of Frozen (which is far more entertaining) with Narnia-ish settings

It boasts a stellar cast, from Emily Blunt to the vivacious Charlize Theron and the CGIs are believable but all of these couldn't help this trainwreck of a movie.

Verdict: No. This whole movie is unnecessary and draggy. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a weak 17% 

Watch out for: The only gem in this movie, Charlize Theron with avant-garde gold costume

Rating: 4/10

Well if you decided to not watch this movie, all I could say is:
