10 Cloverfield Lane

I've always liked a blend of two genres and 10 Cloverfield Lane masterfully created a perfect mix of thriller and a dash of sci-fi in it. Produced by J.J. Abrams, the man who introduced us to the brilliant movie Cloverfield, 
10 Cloverfield Lane is the sequel (although not heavily related) to the hit 2008 sci-fi flick.

From the very start, lead character Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) had doubts on Howard (John Goodman) who, as claimed, saved her from a car accident she had. Being saved is perfectly fine but being locked up in a Saw-ish room definitely raised all the red flags in Michelle. Plus the fact that Howard devoted his life creating the bunker that they are living in adds suspicion as to whether he is of sound mind or is actually kidnapping her in the middle of nowhere.

And the anticipation builds as at times, more mystery unveils who Howard is really are. I wouldn't want to say much because I would spoil the ending for you but I assure you the twisty plot of this movie is astounding. 

Verdict: Expect a "Cabin in the Woods" kind of ending where in the end it'll f*ck your mind up and make you rethink of what you've just watched. 

Watch this if you like: Cabin in the Woods, Cloverfield

Rating: 7/10
