Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman (BvS) is definitely a major letdown of 2016. The movie doesn't deserve its title since the first 60 minutes was filled with the two superheroes battling with their own conflicts and demons and it's boring. Oh and the only time they fight is for a mere 10 minutes!

I am completely aware of how DC is trying to differ from the Disney-fied Marvel movies but the plot is somehow obnoxious and doesn't add up. Zack Snyder is trying to dig deeper and go darker but the darker it went, the easier it gets for the audiences to hit the snoozeville.

As for the characters, Jesse Eisenberg who played Lex Luthor is too cartoony and came out as annoying rather than funny. Ben Affleck is okay but the real scene stealer is definitely Gal Gadot who donned the amazonian Wonder Woman suit and vigorously attacked Doomsday unlike Batman. (Seriously, all Batman do is run when Doomsday attacked him)

I also felt like Doomsday was a last minute addition for the last half hour of the movie as a distraction from these two little kids from fighting each other and join forces to fight the real bad guy. 

It's tedious to watch these two fighting for nothing! Batman with his ego (and maybe because he couldn't claim insurance for the damages Superman did on his building) while Superman fights for his mom...well, technically for his adopted mom.

Oh if you're a fan of Batman please refrain yourself from watching this movie. I feel like this movie is just a play on Batman and his "superpowers" and you might lose hope on Batman at some point.

Sure, Batman has its moment to avenge Superman but that's only with the use of Kryptonite. The other time, Superman inflicted damage on Batman easily and when he yelled "Stay down! If I wanted it, you'd be dead already!" we know he ain't lying.

Verdict: I was disappointed. The movie doesn't deliver its title and focus on what it should be. As a matter of fact, I think they just need a platform for these two to meet and to introduce Wonder Woman and the rest of the Justice League members. Wait for a better quality, download it and skip the first half of the movie

Watch this if you like: The dark, gloomy Batman movies

Watch out for: Wonder Woman!

Rating: 6/10

What do you think of DC's latest flick? Leave your comments below!


  1. I will still go and watch is as long as my husband pays for the ticket!.. After all i will only be watching 'their eyes'.. hehe

  2. nama pon dawn of justice, ofc theres bound to introduce something


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