Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049

Rating: 4/10

I haven't watched 1982's Blade Runner, relying solely on this sequel to understand its elements thus my review will not be about the comparisons with the original. A few introductory words at the beginning really helped and the not-so-complicated plot took me mere minutes to actually dive into this cinematic post-apocalyptic world.

Firstly, the visuals are amazing. 2049 did to post-apocalyptic just like what Interstellar did to the outer space. Expect a lot of breathtaking visions of what the world could be, where humans live alongside with robots (or in this case, replicants) with a dash of Neon Tokyo in the mix. Los Angeles is now gloomy and shabby, not like the one we knew whereas San Francisco became the dumpster.

The fact that it runs for almost 3 hours and the lack of interesting plot is what made 2049 dull. Something that could easily be explained with shorter time was outstretched and supported by its stunning visuals.

As if this was not enough, Officer K (Ryan Gosling) is a newer replicant working to destroy older replicant models since they started to develop feelings. It means that Ryan Gosling was doing his best poker face throughout the movie, making the bland plot even bland-er.

Verdict: If you're reallllyyyyy a fan of sci-fi, post-apocalyptic movie, this may be for you. If not, waste your 3 hours somewhere else.
