Olympus Has Fallen

London Has Fallen may be bigger than Olympus Has Fallen but as always, size does not matter. With the huge success of its predecessor, the studio decided to go bigger; detonating famous landmarks around London, a draggy and generic car chasing scenes and bloodfest to satisfy viewers.

Well, how about the plot? They decided to keep the premise of the original; a gang of terrorist, some double agent helping the terrorists, explosions here and there, Butler kicks ass, the world is at peace again (well at least until the sequel)

As for the CGI, you will learn to appreciate the classic action movies in the 90s with better special f(x). I closed my eyes quite numerously throughout this movie, not because of its obvious fake blood splattered or the sadistic violence but for the laziest and most unforgiving uses of CGI I've ever seen.

Me reacting to the bad CGIs

Oh and didn't we had enough with the portrayal of America as a "hero" and the last hope of the nation? I was hoping for other presidents to join forces and kick asses but hey, who needs them when we can have the president of the United States as the lone survivor of the assassination?

Watch this if: you're an action junkie and somehow unnecessary outburst of buildings give you pleasure

Verdict: Nope. Save your money.

Rating: 3/10
